Extra, Extra…School Climate LCAP is HERE!
We’ve made it easy for you!
We filled in the spaces in the state-required Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) with the best practices that we have seen from educators and communities around the State.
Click here to download our LCAP school climate template in MS Word format: [download id=”3217″]
The Districts that are doing it right are setting clear goals for students’ social emotional health. They are reducing suspension and expulsion rates overall and for key student groups. They are ensuring that “supplemental and concentration” funds really improve supportive services for foster, low-income and ELL students.
They are committing real resources to restorative justice coordinators, training for teachers on eliminating implicit bias, cultural competence and positive behavior support, and social emotional learning curricula at school sites.
They are prioritizing supports for students who have been exposed to trauma and violence, such as additional mental health counselors and peace intervention workers.
“We are excited about the new Local Control Funding Formula because it allows us to make sure that we are offering research-validated programs that the community believes will actually help our students succeed,” said Vallejo City Unified School District Superintendent Ramona Bishop. Vallejo City is implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Restorative Practices, and Trauma-Sensitive Strategies and has already reduced suspensions by 50%, expulsions by 80% and raised the graduation rate by 4%. You can do it too!
The LCAP template is for communities who want to see change happen and a meaningful school climate portion of the LCAP. It is also for educators who believe that all students — of every race and background — can graduate if their social and emotional health needs are met. Get the LCAP template now: [download id=”3217″]
The LCAP template reflects what FixSchoolDiscipline is hearing from community members, parents, and students in communities around the state. They want change. They want transparency. They want a real commitment to improving school culture.
Stay tuned!
Every week until July 1, in our School Climate LCAP Countdown we will provide you with an additional tool to help your District become a model for school climate change in the state!